Friday, 28 July 2023

Stan Free caught moonlighting

Stan Free - Conbreef for Adams (1959)

 Some physique models branched out into advertising, Cliff Smith posed a lot for Domenique's clothing range and Fred Collins advertised shorts for Royale (not such a challenging task!). I stumbled across this ad with Stan Free looking very well-endowed in Man's World (Sept 1959). 
Support in those days was not about emotional crises.

This image has been added to Stan's folder at the mitchmen Royale Studio Open Archive 

Tuesday, 25 July 2023

Tibor Urgay and Ray Andersen

This article is a supplement to the new Tibor Urgay Index page 
which has just been added to the Royale Studio model list. 

Tibor Urgay by Royale Studio

The Royale Studio model Tibor Urgay was gifted (from a curator's point of view) with an unmistakeable appearance. His baby face and fair, curly hair contrasted with a surprising, well developed and bulky physique. He's seen here posing astride Royale's trademark half-roundel, polo mint prop.

Ray Andersen by Lon of NY (1953?)

On occasion Tibor was (understandably) confused with the US model Ray Andersen (above) who modelled for Lon of NY in the early 1950's. In fact five images of Tibor wrestling nude with Brian Lamprill were published in the US magazine 'Gym' in April 1960 and labelled as Ray Andersen v Gerri Haywood (see image below). 

Tibor wrestling nude with Brian Lamprill in 'Gym' magazine

Gerry Haywood (not Gerri) was another British model who did some work with Royale but quite how the magazine mixed up these names quite so comprehensively is a mystery. On another occasion they published a picture of Peter George labelled as 'Harold Andsbury', but I suspect this is one of Royale's 'joke names' of which more in another post.

Ray Andersen by Don Young (1955)

The story of Ray Anderson is tragically short. He was nicknamed 'Golden Boy' by Lon of NY, on account of his 'flaxen hair and tanned skin'. Lon first photographed him in 1953 aged 17, but the earliest magazine appearance I have found is in 1955 modelling for Don Young Studio in a slightly Royalesque woodland location.

Ray Andersen by Don Young (Vim, May 1956)

These images give a rather better impression, both of his physique and sex appeal. The resemblance to Tibor's appearance is striking so some confusion was understandable. When the world of beefcake discovered him he already had a successful career as a trapeze artist (which seemed a common route to success in the 1950's and accounts for those powerful shoulders). He had also appeared in the 'Big Top' TV show.

Ray Andersen by Don Young

Ray made the front cover of Vim in January 1956 
with an image that shows alluringly large nipples gracing impressive pecs 
and a classic 'washboard' stomach.


Sadly Ray's life was brought to a tragic end the following year when he suffered serious injuries in a traffic accident and died suddenly from undetected internal injuries a few months later. 
Lon penned a moving, two page memorial for him in Man's World (Feb 1958) 
from which much of this article is taken.

The Royale Studio Archive

by mitchmen

Images at this blog which bear the 'Royale Studio Open Archive' legend have been enhanced. All the images from this series, including unenhanced originals, those omitted for quality reasons, variants and source references will be uploaded in due course to the mitchmen Royale Studio Open Archive. (click on link to check).

If any reader possesses different, related images and would like to add a digital copy to the Archive I would be delighted to hear from him via the e-mail address at my Profile. All contributions will be fully credited in the Archive records.

For links to similar sets please use the labels below

Saturday, 22 July 2023

Brian Lamprill and Tibor Urgay at the Royale Studio Archive

Nude wrestling, vintage nudes, painful holds
Brian Lamprill (right) wrestles with Tibor Urgay for Royale Studio

I've now posted the final version with all 13 available pictures in this sexy set 

 Check out Brian Lamprill's Index Page for the link

Two Fred Collins sets added to the Archive

        Fred Collins as a Footballer, tied up Fred Collins poses as a footballer, who gets tied up for misbehaviour in the dressing room,  ...